Undergraduate Programs
- Accounting: B.S.
- Addiction Studies: B.S.
- Allied Health Science: B.S.
- Biology: B.S.
- Business Administration: B.B.A.
- Business Administration: B.S.
- Business, Management, and Economics: A.A., A.S.*
- Business, Management, and Economics: B.A., B.S., B.P.S.*
- Community and Human Services: A.A., A.S.*
- Community and Human Services: B.A., B.S., B.P.S.*
- Criminal Justice: B.S.
- Cultural Studies: A.A., A.S.*
- Cultural Studies: B.A., B.S.*
- Digital Communication: B.S.
- Digital Media Arts: B.A., B.S.
- Early Childhood Education: B.S.
- Educational Studies: A.A., A.S.*
- Educational Studies: B.A., B.S.*
- General Studies: A.A., A.S.
- Historical Studies: A.A., A.S.*
- Historical Studies: B.A., B.S.*
- Human Development: A.A., A.S.*
- Human Development: B.A., B.S.*
- Human Resource Management: B.S.
- Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary Studies: A.A., A.S. *
- Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary Studies: B.A., B.S., B.P.S.*
- Labor Studies: A.A., A.S., B.A., B.S.*
- Liberal Arts: B.A.*
- Management: B.S.
- Nursing: B.S.N.
- Nursing: B.S.N. Multi Award with Nassau Community College
- Psychology: B.A.
- Public Affairs: B.A., B.S., B.P.S.*
- Public Health: B.S.
- Science, Mathematics, and Technology: A.A., A.S.*
- Science, Mathematics and Technology: B.A., B.S.*
- Security Studies: B.S.
- Social Science: A.A., A.S.*
- Social Science: B.A., B.S.*
- Technology: B.P.S.*
- The Arts: A.A., A.S.*
- The Arts: B.A., B.S., B.P.S.*
A.A.- Associate of Arts
A.S.- Associate of Science
B.A.- Bachelor of Arts
B.B.A. - Bachelor of Business Administration
B.S.- Bachelor of Science
B.S.N.- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
B.P.S.- Bachelor of Professional Studies
Combined Undergraduate to Graduate Degree Pathways
Empire State University offers combined undergraduate and graduate degree pathways to highly qualified, current SUNY Empire undergraduate students who wish to continue to a master’s degree. These pathways may accelerate a student’s time to degree completion and reduce the cost of completing a master’s degree.
- B.S. in Accounting and MBA in Business Management (150-CPA Licensure Qualified Program)
- B.S. Allied Health Science and M.B.A Healthcare Leadership
- B.A., B.S. The Arts and M.A. Liberal Studies
- B.B.A. Business Administration and M.B.A. Business Management
- B.S. Business Administration and M.B.A. Business Management
- B.A., B.S., B.P.S. Business, Management, and Economics and M.B.A. Business Management
- B.A., B.S., B.P.S. Business, Management, and Economics and M.A. Community and Economic Development
- B.A., B.S. Cultural Studies and M.A.T. Adolescent Education with ELA or Spanish Concentration
- B.A., B.S. Cultural Studies and M.A. Liberal Studies
- B.A., B.S. Educational Studies and M.A.T. Adolescent Special Education
- B.A., B.S. Historical Studies and M.A.T. Adolescent Education with Social Studies Concentration
- B.A., B.S. Historical Studies and M.A. Liberal Studies
- B.S. Human Resource Management and M.B.A. Business Management
- B.S. Management and M.B.A. Business Management
- B.S.N. Nursing and M.S. Nursing Education or M.S. Nursing Administration
- B.A., B.S., B.P.S. Public Affairs and M.A. Community and Economic Development
- B.A., B.S. Science, Math, and Technology and M.A.T. Adolescent Education with a concentration in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Math, or Physics
Micro Credentials
Micro Credentials, as defined by the State University of New York, "verify, validate and attest that specific skills and/or competencies have been achieved; are endorsed by the issuing institution; having been developed through established faculty governance processes, and are designed to be meaningful and high quality."
Empire State University offers the following undergraduate micro credentials:
- Advanced AI for Economic and Business Analysis: Micro Credential
- Career Self-Management and Self-Marketing: Micro Credential
- Direct Support Professionals: Micro CredentialEnrollment
Current Empire State University students may enroll as they would any other SUNY Empire undergraduate course using MySUNYEmpire.
Non-SUNY Empire students may enroll in the course by following the steps to apply to the university.