Business, Management And Economics - Management Concentration - For Students Matriculated On Or After July 1, 2010 But Before Sept. 3, 2014

Rapid evolution in management knowledge has enhanced organizations’ effective marshaling of human, physical and financial resources in widely distributed geographical locations. Because of changes in the environments in which both public as well as private-sector organizations operate, degree programs in management must demonstrate that the student has an understanding of:

  • Technology.
  • Ethics.
  • Globalization.
  • Diversity.

Managers always have had to understand systems, morality, people and geography; however, now, increasing globalization requires both capacity and discernment on the part of managers.

Managers filling a variety of roles and functions coordinate human, physical and financial resources to accomplish organizational goals. Processes such as decision making are essential in all forms of organizations, including businesses, government agencies and nonprofit groups. Since managers work with and through individuals, small groups and whole organizations, students developing a concentration in management will benefit from giving special attention to human behavior, including behavior grounded in cultures others than their own.


Fulfillment of SUNY general education requirements will provide both breadth of learning and a solid foundation in disciplinary theory. Together, these concepts and frameworks may prove helpful in understanding and applying organizational and management concepts.

Students pursuing a management concentration should meet the area of study and general guidelines for business, management and economics and have a broad-based understanding of business functions through study or experience.

In developing proposed educational plans leading to a bachelor's degree with a concentration in management, it is recommended that students consider demonstrated knowledge in broad areas including management theory, concepts and frameworks that constitute the common body of management knowledge.

This knowledge has been organized in four primary categories:

  • Time (historically).
  • Levels of organizational skill.
  • Functions.
  • Roles.

The student’s rationale should show where each of these areas are addressed.


The history of management traces influences on management thought and the accretion of management knowledge that can be taught, learned and practiced. Examples of studies from the historical perspectives are History of Management Thought and History of Business.

Levels Of Organizational Skill

The levels of organizational skill approach organizes management knowledge around: the individual (psychology), small groups/cliques (social psychology), whole organizations (sociology, economics), organization-environment (sociology, economics). Examples of studies examining this approach are Organizational Behavior and Organizational Development and Change.


The functional approach organizes management knowledge around functions that decision makers engage in at all levels of an organization such as planning, organizing and controlling. Examples of studies often using this approach are Management Concepts and Principles of Management.


Studying the roles that managers fill (i.e., entrepreneur, disturbance handler, figurehead and leader) is a relatively recent way of organizing management knowledge. Examples of studies using this approach are Leadership, Conflict Resolution, Communications and Decision Making.

Additionally, it is recommended that knowledge of diversity should be demonstrated by the student because effective managers understand and appreciate diversity in the workplace.

Managers also draw on analytical tools and theory from a variety of disciplines that provide intellectual tools for understanding, predicting, allocating and controlling. Programs are strengthened by:

  • Demonstration of knowledge in quantitative areas such as public finance, corporate finance and accounting.
  • Learning grounded in several different academic disciplines such as economics, psychology, sociology and mathematics.
  • Studies that explore:
    • The institutional setting (business, government, education, religious) which he or she is most likely to manage
    • Institution-specific knowledge (such as the history and development of the institution, specialized vocabulary, customers/clients, legal environment and defining events)
    • For students currently or expecting to manage in the public sector - political science, public finance
    • Studies that help in developing knowledge and competencies in specialized areas of management to ensure he or she has acquired substantial knowledge of management theories and their application.

A non-exclusive list of possible topics is:

  • Organization theory.
  • Operations management.
  • Project management.
  • Organizational development.
  • Human resource management.
  • Labor relations.
  • Strategic management.
  • Leadership.
  • Conflict management/conflict resolution.
  • Business communications.
  • Decision making.
  • Management concepts/principles.
  • Organizational behavior/development and change.
  • History of management thought/business.
  • Nonprofit management.
  • Sports/hospital management.
  • Financial/marketing management.
  • Management information systems.
  • Managerial economics.
  • Statistics.
  • Corporate social responsibility.
  • Research methods for management.
  • International management/business.
  • Green management.

A capstone study, while not required, will provide opportunity to synthesize several different studies into a final learning experience.

Additionally, students may want to consider related concentrations such as business/public administration or individualized concentrations (nonprofit management or sports management).

Note: The terms "management" or "manager" are used in the private sector. "Administration" or "administrator" are the comparable terms used in the public sector.

March 2009