ADDS: Addiction Studies (Undergraduate)

ADDS 1998  Individualized Studies in Addiction Studies (ADDS)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor in Addiction Studies (ADDS). Please contact your mentor/advisor for more details.

ADDS 2005  Addiction & Dependency: Introduction  (4 Credits)  

This course will focus on understanding of addictive disorders and the impact of addiction on the individual and the various social systems with which the person interacts. Topics will include categories of psychoactive substances and how these affect behavior, mood, and cognition. How addiction affects the individual, family, and community. The study will also examine the various models of addiction and the impact of addiction on specific populations. Substance use related addictions, gambling disorder, and process addictions will be examined. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services Area of Study guidelines for Knowledge of Human Behavior. This course is aligned with the BS in Addiction Studies program guidelines for Knowledge, Skills and Application. This course was previously CHS-252184 Addiction and Dependency: Introduction. Prerequisites: Introduction to Psychology, Human Development, Introduction to Human Services, or equivalent.

ADDS 2040  Introduction to Pharmacology of Psychoactive Drugs  (4 Credits)  

This course examines how legal and illegal substances, including alcohol, tobacco and other psychoactive drugs, affect the body, the brain, mood, cognition, and behavior. The varying actions of drug categories, including absorption, metabolism, elimination, and effects of psychoactive drug categories will be explored, including differences due to health, age, and gender. The rationale for medications in the treatment of substance use and related mental disorders will be examined. Current trends in the use of psychotropic medications, advantages, and limitations of medication use. This course meets the guideline of Knowledge in the Addiction Studies program. Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: None.

Attributes: Liberal

ADDS 2998  Individualized Studies in Addiction Studies (ADDS)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor in Addiction Studies (ADDS). Registration for this class must be approved by the student’s mentor.

ADDS 3005  Interventions for Substance Use Disorders  (4 Credits)  

This study will provide a deeper understanding of several models of practice in the substance use field. Students will integrate various interventions, skills, and treatment modalities needed to design effective treatment interventions for working with these populations. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services Area of Study guidelines for Skills & Application. This course is aligned with the BS in Addiction Studies program guidelines for Skills and Application & Integration. This course was previously CHS-253484 Interventions for Addiction Disorders.

ADDS 3010  Substance Use Interventions in the Workplace  (4 Credits)  

This course identifies the issues, factors, and realities of substance use in the workplace. The role of human services worker in addressing substance abuse in the workplace will be explored. Strategies for assessing substance use in the workplace, as well as an examination of policy, programs, and interventions will be examined. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services Area of Study guidelines for Skills & Application. This course is aligned with the BS in Addiction Studies program guidelines for Skills and Application & Integration.

ADDS 3020  Substance Use with Special Populations  (4 Credits)  

This course provides an overview of the unique problems and needs of diverse populations with substance use and abuse issues. The study focuses on the application of culturally sensitive social intervention strategies. Populations to be studied include but are not limited to, women, dually diagnosed clients, the LGBTQ community, and trauma survivors. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services Area of Study guidelines for Skills & Application and Diversity. This course is aligned with the BS in Addiction Studies program guidelines for Diversity.

ADDS 3122  Virtual Addictions in the 21st Century  (4 Credits)  

This course will examine addictions related to digital cultures, the populations most at risk, and warning signs that loved ones, teachers, and other professionals would want to take note of. This course will also explore possible risk and protective factors. Students will also develop possible prevention and/or intervention strategies to combat these types of behavioral addictions. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services Area of Study guidelines for Skills & Application.

Attributes: Liberal

ADDS 3998  Individualized Studies in Addiction Studies (ADDS)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor in Addiction Studies (ADDS). Registration for this class must be approved by the student’s mentor.

ADDS 4005  Adolescence & Addictions  (4 Credits)  

This course explores the various substance use and addiction disorders affecting adolescents. Topics may include: developmental processes affected by substance use and addiction disorders; research about risk factors, influences, and trajectories of addiction disorders in adolescence; application of DSM-5 substance use and addiction disorder criteria to adolescents; gambling and gaming addiction, assessing addiction and substance use disorders in adolescents; and engagement and treatment of adolescents with addiction and substance use disorders. The interaction between substance use, addiction and mental health disorders will be explored. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services Area of Study guidelines for Knowledge of Human Behavior and Skills & Application. This course is aligned with the BS in Addiction Studies program guidelines for Diversity. Prerequisites: Introduction to Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Human Development, Introduction to Human Services, or equivalent.

Attributes: Liberal

ADDS 4006  Women and Addiction  (4 Credits)  

This study will explore the intersection of women and addiction by providing an overview of issues related to women with substance use disorders and appropriate and effective gender-responsive treatment. Additionally, this course will explore addiction issues related to trauma and differences in the physiological and neurobiology impact in women with substance use disorders. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services Area of Study guidelines for Skills & Application.

ADDS 4010  Advanced Substance Use Counseling  (4 Credits)  

This advanced examination of substance use treatment focuses on substance-abusing clients and their families, encouraging them to form a heterogeneous group that is treated from an individualized perspective. Practical skills and treatment strategies that address substance abuse as a disease and as a complex problem will be explored. The concept of recovery will be addressed as a process that is holistic, individualized and functionally based. Using an integrated approach, personalized assessment, behavior change strategies, and effective treatment will be examined. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services Area of Study guidelines for Skills & Application. This course is aligned with the BS in Addiction Studies program guidelines Skills and Application & Integration.

ADDS 4015  Evidence-Based Substance Use Counseling  (4 Credits)  

The purpose of this study is to compare evidence-based counseling strategies. The study will review and examine the work of the most prominent psychosocial treatment approaches. The basic assumptions, theories, and specific actions and strategies that can be utilized by the helper from start-to-finish will be reviewed. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services Area of Study guidelines for Skills & Application. This course is aligned with the BS in Addiction Studies program guidelines for Skills and Application & Integration.

ADDS 4998  Individualized Studies in Addiction Studies (ADDS)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor in Addiction Studies (ADDS). Registration for this class must be approved by the student’s mentor.