MRKT: Marketing (Undergraduate)

MRKT 1005  Marketing Principles  (4 Credits)  

This study provides a basic understanding of the basic concepts, functions, practices, and marketing tools within a company or other organization. Marketing is creating and capturing customer value based on good customer relationships. Therefore, the focus will be on the consumer. Consequently, it is essential to know how to develop and practice the principles of marketing as a social and managerial process whereby individuals and groups obtain what they need and want by creating and exchanging products, services, and values with each other.

MRKT 1998  Individualized Studies in Marketing (MRKT)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor in Marketing (MRKT). Registration for this class must be approved by the student’s mentor.

MRKT 2998  Individualized Studies in Marketing (MRKT)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor in Marketing (MRKT). Registration for this class must be approved by the student’s mentor.

MRKT 3010  Consumer Behavior  (4 Credits)  

This course prepares students to analyze consumer purchasing behavior related to the development of marketing mix programs. This study focuses on theories, functions, and concepts of consumer behavior, and they can be applied to marketing management, our roles as consumers, and everyday life. It involves various types of consumers and views of the consumer's influences, such as the internal or psychological or external or anthropological/sociological. Recommended students take Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1005) or equivalent prior to taking this course. Prerequisites: Marketing Principles (MRKT 1005) or equivalent.

Attributes: Liberal

MRKT 3015  Integrated Marketing Communications  (3 Credits)  

This course is designed to introduce students to the role of advertising and other promotional mix elements in the integrated marketing communications (IMC) program of an organization. The course allows students to develop an understanding of an integrated marketing process, how companies organize their advertising, and how they set their organizational goals for promotional, customer behavior, and organizational communications. Attention will be given to the IMC tools used in contemporary marketing including advertising, direct marketing, Internet and interactive marketing, sales promotion, publicity and public relations, and personal selling. The course examines how IMC programs are planned, developed, and implemented. It also considers the environments in which advertising and promotion occur and the regulatory, social, and economic factors that affect such programs. Registration in this course requires the successful completion of at least one intermediate course in Advertising, Marketing, Marketing Management, Marketing Research, or Consumer Behavior. Note: Integrated Marketing Communications is designed to provide an upper-level course for those who are interested in the theory and practice of Marketing, Advertising, and/or Consumer Behavior or equivalent knowledge. This course is offered for our International Education program students.

MRKT 3020  International Marketing Strategies  (3 Credits)  

This course focuses on the realities of developing and implementing marketing strategies in an international setting. It is designed to enhance the strategic, analytical, research, and application skills of participants in international marketing contexts. It evaluates different approaches for analyzing and implementing strategies in the dynamics of the changing environments of international marketing, focusing on the challenges confronted and contemporary knowledge. The course provides students with the appropriate tools and techniques for investigating marketing in international situations and for measuring and evaluating innovation, exporting potential, brand image, service quality, etc. Consideration will be given to the impact of local habits in the marketing of goods and services worldwide and to developing an appreciation of national cultural impact on different marketing approaches. Highly Recommended (not required): a course in International Business or Cross-Cultural Management. Preferably, students should be co-registered in another intermediate course in Marketing, Marketing Management, Marketing Research, or Consumer Behavior or equivalent knowledge. Notes: International Marketing Strategies is an upper-level course that articulates with, and advances knowledge of, many of the issues confronted in marketing, cross-cultural studies, and strategy development and implementation. This course is offered for our International Education program students. Prerequisites: An introductory course in Marketing and preferably Market Management.

MRKT 3025  Digital and Social Media Marketing  (4 Credits)  

This course reviews strategic and operational and functional aspects of digital and social media marketing. Students will learn about integration of new information and communication technologies with basic principles of marketing. The relationship between firm and consumer in the e-environment will be discussed from the technological, legal, ethical and global perspectives. Students will analyze situations within the workplace, identify specific courses of action, develop goals and objectives, and implement strategies and tactics that support digital and social media marketing objectives. Prerequisites: MRKT 1005 or Equivalent.

MRKT 3030  Marketing Communications: Advertising & Promotion  (4 Credits)  

This course is designed to develop an understanding of all aspects of integrated marketing communications, including advertising, direct marketing, the Internet, interactive media, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, social and consumer-driven media, and consumer advertising. It provides details on how to research and evaluate a company's marketing environment and promotional situation within the context of consumer behavior, other variables in the marketing mix and overall corporate’s marketing plans, and how to use various promotional tools to develop effective communications strategies and programs. The course can be used to fulfill the marketing communications requirement for a concentration in marketing. Prerequisites: Marketing Principles (MRKT 1005), or equivalent.

MRKT 3040  Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations  (4 Credits)  

The demand for nonprofit services is continuing to increase; yet the funding for these services is decreasing as the demand increases. Nonprofit organizations are looking to nonprofit marketing to increase their donations and support the services that they offer. This course will focus on the role of nonprofit marketing as part of the overall objectives and strategy of the nonprofit organization. Students will learn how to create a relationship marketing strategy with the organization’s donors, volunteers, and funding agencies. The importance of branding and how to build a brand will be discussed for participants in this industry. The elements of the marketing mix for nonprofit organization will be defined including the product mix and the promotion mix; and how they are integrated into the planning process. Finally, this course will look at the evolving role of for-profit products that are being developed to supplement funding for nonprofit organizations. Prerequisite (must complete before registering): Introduction to Marketing or Marketing Principles (MRKT 1005), or equivalent. Notes: This course would be of interest to student who want to work for non-profits and thus could be included with studies such as non-profit management.

MRKT 3045  Marketing Management  (4 Credits)  

This course focuses on the methods to identify appropriate marketing objectives, the development of marketing strategies designed to meet stated objectives, and the process for the successful implementation of tactics that will drive desired customer action. Concepts to be examined include product planning, market needs, competitive assessment, media planning, market segmentation, goal setting, pricing strategies, budgeting, distribution, promotion, and customer service. In addition, the student will understand the critical factors to consider in developing and evaluating marketing plans by analyzing organizations' marketing efforts across various industries. Prerequisites: Marketing Principles (MRKT 1005) or equivalent.

MRKT 3055  Public Relations  (4 Credits)  

This study focuses on the essentials of public relations activities. The topics to be covered include understanding public opinion, ethics, Public Relations (PR) research, communication, the role of PR within a corporation, lobbying as PR, public relations writing, dealing effectively with the media and employees, and crisis communication. The course can be used to fulfill the marketing communications requirement for a concentration in marketing. Prerequisites: Marketing Principles (MRKT 1005) or equivalent.

Attributes: Liberal

MRKT 3060  Services Marketing  (4 Credits)  

This course provides a conceptual framework for the study, understanding and application of the theories of service marketing. A key focus is new service development and implementation into the marketplace. Topics covered include an overall foundation for understanding services marketing; examining customer expectations and building customer relationships; developing standards for services quality; managing and communicating service promises; and understanding the economic impact of service. Prerequisite (must complete before registering): Introduction to Marketing or Marketing Principles (MRKT 1005), or equivalent This course was previously BME-213454 Services Marketing.

MRKT 3996  Special Topics in MRKT  (3-4 Credits)  

The content of this course will vary by term and section. Students may repeat this course for credit as long as the topic differs. Please refer to the Term Guide for course topic offerings.

Attributes: Liberal

MRKT 3998  Individualized Studies in Marketing (MRKT)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor in Marketing (MRKT). Registration for this class must be approved by the student’s mentor.

MRKT 4020  Hospitality & Tourism Marketing Management  (4 Credits)  

The purpose of this course is to develop a strong conceptual framework for the understanding and application of marketing management principles in hospitality and tourism (H&T). Students will develop a critical understanding of tourism and the social, cultural, political, legal, economic, ethical and environmental contexts in which it operates including but not limited to green tourism and eco-tourism and analyze how the economy impacts H&T and sustainability. They become familiar with and analyze the pieces of a marketing plan in relation to H&T industry in a global market and attain the skills needed to manage and market an H&T business. Prerequisites (must complete before registering): Introduction to Marketing or Marketing Principles (MRKT 1005), or equivalent. Notes: Course should be cross-listed in both MKT (Marketing) and MGT (Management). This course was previously BME-214464 Hospitality and Tourism Marketing Management.

MRKT 4025  International Marketing  (4 Credits)  

This study is to provide an understanding of the marketing function within a company or other organization as it applies to international markets. The course introduces the students to the marketing practices of companies seeking market opportunities outside their home country, and it raises students' awareness of the importance of viewing marketing management strategies from a global perspective. The student will focus on how to practice the principles of marketing as a social and managerial process in the global context. The course can be used to meet the BME guideline “Understanding Organizations Within Broader Contexts". Prerequisites: Marketing Principles (MRKT 1005) or equivalent.

Attributes: Liberal

MRKT 4035  Marketing Research  (4 Credits)  

This course provides an introduction to marketing research to the students with the skills needed to design market research studies and collect and analyze data that is useful to managers in making decisions. This course examines the role of marketing research in the firm, global and ethical dimensions of research, research design, experimentation, data collection procedures, questionnaire design, sampling, and basic and advanced data analysis. This study will address the intellectual basis and practical knowledge needed to design and complete a marketing research project. The study will require the student to read the textbook and complete various steps associated with a marketing research project. There will be revisions on each of the deliverables throughout the semester. Prerequisites: Marketing Principles (MRKT 1005) and College Level Statistics (MATH 1065) or equivalents.

MRKT 4040  Marketing Strategy  (4 Credits)  

This course is designed as a capstone for a concentration in marketing. This course offers an all-encompassing foundation for the creation of competitive marketing strategies. In this course, students will analyze real marketing situations and propose sound solutions to marketing problems by designing and implementing market-driven strategies with a clear emphasis on strategic analysis, marketing planning, and implementation. It is strongly recommended that students undertake this study as the last in the concentration. Prerequisites: Marketing Principles (MRKT1005) or equivalent and three advanced level studies in marketing.

MRKT 4045  Sales Management  (4 Credits)  

This course provides students with an understanding of the principles and techniques necessary to sell a product, service or idea, as well as how to build meaningful customer relationships in both the business-to-consumer and business-to-business segments. Topics covered will include customer need identification, solution-selling strategies, customer relationship management, and effective methods of presentation and follow-up. Recommended before enrolling: Principles of Management (MGMT 1005) or equivalent. Prerequisites: Marketing Principles (MRKT 1005) or equivalent.

MRKT 4050  Career Self-Management and Self-Marketing  (4 Credits)  

Students will learn how to use contemporary learning theories and fundamental management and marketing concepts to guide their self- and career development. Throughout the course, students will engage in a series of learning activities aimed at developing, documenting, evaluating, peer-reviewing, presenting, and improving their work-related skills. Overall, this course will foster students’ self-awareness and help them develop effective strategies for self-improvement and self-promotion. Although this course fully meets the 4-credit educational planning requirement, it does not deal with degree planning. If students have not yet designed their plan of studies in the college, they should contact their mentor to discuss the format they will use to design their degree plan (for example, if needed, students may take a separate Educational Planning course).

Attributes: Liberal

MRKT 4055  Senior Project: Marketing  (4 Credits)  

Senior Project is a capstone, applied learning experience. Students work closely with the instructor on a topic of their choice to connect theory with practice and demonstrate their ability to integrate and apply the learning they have acquired over the course of their studies and experience. Depending upon the size and scope of the project, the work may be completed in one or two terms, and for differing amounts of credit. If completed in two terms, typically the first term is used for planning and research, and the second term for the final development or implementation of the project. Students should consult with their mentor and the instructor before enrolling to determine the number of credits and time needed. As this is designed a capstone course, students should enroll in Senior Project during their final year of study. All lower-level Marketing courses should be complete, as well as at least two advanced level Marketing courses or their equivalent. The student should have already completed Statistics and either Market Research and/or Consumer Behavior before enrolling in this course. Notes: Additional Marketing courses may be taken concurrently. Students will be expected to apply learning from all concentration courses, including those being taken during the same term. Senior Project is offered through the College’s programs in Albania, Lebanon, Prague and Turkey, however ANY student interested in doing a final capstone project on a topic related to one of these countries or regions, or with an international theme, is welcome to request the opportunity to work with one of the international faculty in these programs. This course may be taken for 2 to 6 credits over one or two terms. This course is offered for our International Education program students.

MRKT 4998  Individualized Studies in Marketing (MRKT)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor in Marketing (MRKT). Please contact your mentor/advisor for more details.