Professional Learning Evaluation (PLE)


Many students have have acquired knowledge and skills from structured learning experiences offered by professional, governmental, and training agencies, or by educational organizations that are not regionally-accredited colleges or universities. Empire State University recognizes that knowledge and skills gained through these types of structured learning activities can be college-level and can apply to a SUNY Empire degree. SUNY Empire has evaluated and recommends credit for a number of licenses, certifications, training programs, and noncollegiate courses. Professional Learning Evaluation (PLE) is the term SUNY Empire uses to describe these evaluations and credit recommendations. In addition to its own PLEs, SUNY Empire accepts credit recommendations from two organizations that evaluate professional learning: The American Council on Education (ACE) and The National College Credit Recommendation Service (National CCRS). To search for available PLE credits, use the SUNY Empire PLE Search page.  

Eligibility and Evaluation Details

PLE credit is available to degree-seeking students at the university who meet the eligibility criteria for a specific PLE. Many structured learning experiences have been evaluated, but many more have not been evaluated. For those that have been evaluated, content may change, different versions of any one structured learning experience may be offered, and a PLE evaluation is usually valid for a defined period of time. Credit recommendations apply only to training received during the period of time, at the locations, and for the length of time listed in the evaluation.

Students should consult the evaluator links provided below, their mentors, or contact the Office of Prior Learning at for assistance in determining eligibility. In order for PLE credit to be applicable to a student’s degree, learning topics must fit into the program by meeting specific degree requirements, or adding breadth and depth to their general learning.

Empire State University Professional Learning Evaluations

A SUNY Empire professional learning evaluation (PLE) is a college-credit recommendation developed by SUNY Empire for college-level learning acquired outside of a college or university. PLE credit is available to matriculated students at the university who meet the eligibility criteria for a specific PLE. Keep in mind that in order to be applicable to their degree, learning topics must fit into a student's program by meeting specific requirements, or adding breadth and depth to their general learning.

A list of current PLE can be found at and details about credit awards and valid dates can be found at the SUNY Empire PLE Search page. Enter keywords such as the name of the organization through which the learning or certification was obtained using the "keywords" search field. 

Please contact the Office of Prior Learning at with questions.

The American Council on Education (ACE)

The ACE National Guide contains ACE credit recommendations and documentation requirements for formal courses or examinations offered by various organizations. 

National College Credit Recommendation Service (National CCRS)

The National CCRS has also evaluated structured learning experiences. Details about credit recommendations and documentation requirements can be found utilizing the National CCRS course credit recommendation directory.

Other Sources for Professional Learning Evaluations

Empire State University can accept Professional Learning Evaluations conducted within the Consortium for the Assessment of College Equivalence (CACE). If a student has a license, certificate or structured training not evaluated by ESU, ACE, or NCCRS, contact the Office of Prior Learning at for details of possible credit options.


Students must provide official verification supplied from the organization that provided the structured learning experience or credential to SUNY Empire Admissions. Student copies are typically not sufficient. In some cases, certain structured learning experiences can be documented online. If online verification is not available, and a student cannot secure official documentation, they may not be eligible to use the PLE. Students should consult their mentor and the Office of Prior Learning.