CAED: Community & Econ Develpmt (Graduate)
This study will incorporate the subjects of two distinct, yet related bodies of literature. One addresses community development and the other economic development. The study will highlight the importance of linking these two concepts in a model that integrates the development of social capital and community capacity and functioning with the economic development of that community. Students will examine theoretical concepts in these two domains as well as real-world economic development models that attempt to move beyond the traditional approaches and examine ways in which real communities have tried to produce positive economic outcomes through community development. This course was previously CAED-611003.
This study will provide an overview of social entrepreneurship; different conceptions and approaches to social entrepreneurship; developing competitive advantage; financing, ethical issues and using different forms of organizational structure to address social problems. It will also cover organizing for social entrepreneurship and managing growth. This is a required course of the advanced certificate in Social Entrepreneurship. This course was previously CAED-611011.
A critical step in strategic management involves scanning the economic environment which, in turn, requires an assessment of an organization’s relationships with various stakeholders. Effective decision makers understand the importance of balancing and protecting the interests of various stakeholders, including investors, employees, the community, and local and state governments, suppliers, funding sources, various interest groups and, of course, the client or customer. This course will examine the role that stakeholder analysis plays in all aspects of the management process including the use of resources, capabilities and operations to establish competitive advantage and sustainability. Topics will include the connections between organizations and the natural, social, and financial environments, illustrating how all three must be maintained in balance to sustain current and future generations. The course will also look at the role of leadership in creating value for each stakeholder through strategic alignment and ethical decision making.
This study will examine the nature of poverty in the United States; theories pertaining to the distribution of income and wealth; the connections between various factors with an emphasis on discrimination, and poverty; theories from the social sciences pertaining to the origins of discrimination and benefits of eliminating it, and policy issues related to correcting the imbalance caused by discrimination. This course was previously ECO-610573.
The purpose of this course is to study theories in ethics and apply them to achieve an understanding of moral philosophy with regard to the social responsibility of business and specific problems and issues facing business today. These issues include, among others, the rights and obligations of employers and employees; hiring, firing and discrimination; gathering, concealing and gilding information; issues in dealing with foreign cultures. Students will consider how organizations can be guided toward fulfilling their social responsibilities. This course was previously MGT-651602.
Students will examine macroeconomic principles and methods and their particular application to public policy with emphasis on policy relating to economic development. The ultimate objective of the course is to understand macroeconomic data, interpret what economic policy suggests about values and direction and the likely impact of macroeconomic policy on communities. This course was previously POL-611009.
In this course, students examine the types and spatial distribution of individual, business and community activity and the ways that communities finance their activities. Any change in one of these elements will inevitably change the others and, from an economic planning perspective, each must be considered in contemplation of the other elements. Students will consider basic concepts related to each element (gathering and interpreting demographic information; the fiscal and social impact of land use and land use changes; municipal finance concepts such as the impact of taxation, equity in taxation and tax shifting). Finally, students will complete a comprehensive community plan. This course was previously PAF-611008.
The course considers the diverse purposes of workforce development policy, offers insights into the complexities of public policy in the U.S. federal system and underscores the important role of state and local governments in responding to the demands of a changing economy and workforce. This course will review the evolution of workforce development policy in the United States with particular attention to key federal legislation, the programs and services that create and deliver workforce programs, and the challenges and opportunities that continue to shape workforce development policy and programs. This course was previously POL-611005.
Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor/advisor in Community & Eco Development (CAED). Please contact your mentor/advisor for more details.
As the concluding study in this Master of Arts program, the student will complete a culminating project, in which the student will engage in a sustained examination of a critical question or issue related to this program. The final project will take the form of a policy memorandum. This course is designed to guide the student through the implementation of a policy memorandum. Policy Memorandums are not published in the ProQuest/UMI service. Prerequisites: PPOL 6007, CAED 6010, CAED 6040, PPOL 6021 (preferred) OR PPOL 6020 (for students who intend to pursue doctoral studies).
In the thesis, the student identifies a critical question, idea or issue relevant to his/her program of study and engages in a disciplined, sustained examination of this topic. This is a scholarly piece of work in which the researcher systematically and analytically explores a topic to begin building a theory or theories or to test a hypothesis. The overarching goal is to contribute new, generalizable knowledge to the student’s field. Writers of theses make appropriate inferences based on a deep analysis of the chosen topic or question. The academic thesis may be the best choice of final project if the student has plans to continue studies toward a doctorate. All theses are published in the ProQuest/UMI service. Prerequisites: Students must have taken all required core courses..
Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor/advisor in Community & Eco Development (CAED). Please contact your mentor/advisor for more details.