HLHS: Health Care Services

HLHS 1023  Introduction to Community & Public Health  (4 Credits)  

This course provides a population perspective on the determinants of health and disease and the tools available to protect and promote the health of the community. Options for intervention are explored including use of the public health system, the health care system, and society wide systems such as laws and taxation. Students will learn to apply frameworks for thinking about the issues of population health and gain an understanding about public health practice. This course meets the Community and Human Service area of study guidelines for Knowledge of Service Delivery.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 1998  Individualized Studies in Healthcare Services (HLHS)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor in Healthcare Services (HLHS). Registration for this class must be approved by the student’s mentor.

HLHS 2006  Women's Health & Social Transformation  (4 Credits)  

The course focuses on women's health, past and present. The psychological, physiological, social, and cultural barriers to women's healthcare services will be explored. Students will explore the role of societal level forces and community level factors that influence women's health. This study meets the Community and Human Services area of study guidelines for Knowledge of Service Delivery.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 2013  Culture, Illness, and Healing  (4 Credits)  

Jobs in health care and other sectors frequently call for health professionals with knowledge of and experience with "cultural diversity". Yet, the meanings of culture, face, and what constitutes a cultural group debated and contested across disciplines. How might understandings of culture as it is lived sharpen our insights? What does culture have to do with health, race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic position, and standings of living? How do people define and experience health, illness, and healing in diverse cultural groups, vulnerable communities, villages, families, and individuals in and beyond clinical settings? Why does it matter? This course meets the Community and Human Services Area of Study guidelines for Diversity.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 2017  Introduction to Global Health  (4 Credits)  

In this course, students will learn about the effects and interrelatedness of social elements in an environment on global community health and burden of disease. Topics may include the complex social, economic, political, environmental, and biological factors that structure the origins, consequences, and possible treatments of global health problems. Students will explore health assessment methods and intervention strategies. This course meets the Community and Human Services Area of Study Guidelines for Knowledge of Service Delivery.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 2996  Special Topics in HLHS  (1-8 Credits)  

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 2998  Individualized Studies in Healthcare Services (HLHS)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor in Healthcare Services (HLHS). Registration for this class must be approved by the student’s mentor.

HLHS 3010  Creativity & Healing  (4 Credits)  

This study examines the relationship between the creative arts and healing for students interested in working with individuals and groups. Journaling, creative writing, movement, and drama therapy will be considered. This course aligns with the Community and Human Services area of study guidelines for Skills & Application.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 3011  Vulnerable Populations: Health & Social Justice  (4 Credits)  

The reasons for health disparities are varied. This course explores the characteristics of vulnerable populations such as ethnicity, socioeconomic status, urban or rural residence, undocumented immigrants, people with disabilities or chronic conditions, to understand how social forces puts members of these groups at risk for adverse health outcomes. This course meets the Community and Human Services area of study guidelines for Knowledge of Service Delivery and Diversity.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 3015  Grief & Loss  (3-4 Credits)  

This course explores the processes of grief and loss. The course will focus on theories and research on the grieving process, as well as the roles of ritual, faith, and remembrance in grieving; cultural factors that contribute to reactions to loss; determining when grief becomes dysfunctional; and effective strategies for intervening with an individual who has experienced a significant loss. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services area of study guidelines for Knowledge of Human Behavior and Skills & Application. This course was previously CHS-254044 Grief and Loss. Prerequisites: Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1005) or Introduction to Human Services (LABR 1165), or equivalent.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 3020  Healing Through Music  (4 Credits)  

The study examines music as a spiritual, healing force. Certain music therapy models are evidence-based practices with measurable impacts on brain functioning. The use of music in working with underserved populations will be explored as a therapeutic modality in the treatment of individuals, groups, and communities. This course aligns with the Community and Human Services area of study guidelines for Skills & Application.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 3030  Understanding Forgiveness and Healing in the Human Services  (4 Credits)  

This study will examine the role of forgiveness in human relationships and the interventions human service professionals can use to support those in the healing process. Contextual factors related to forgiveness and healing within human services practice will be explored. This course aligns with the Community and Human Services area of study guidelines for Skills & Application. 

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 3127  Patient Engagement in Today’s Healthcare System  (4 Credits)  

People actively involved in their health and healthcare tend to have better outcomes – and some evidence suggests, lower costs. This course will examine the advantages of patients being actively engaged in their care, as well as the tools, techniques, and the role of technology that are available to enable this activity. The perspectives of both providers and patients will be examined. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services area of study guidelines for Knowledge of Service Delivery and Skills & Application.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 3132  U.S. Healthcare: Structure & Financing  (4 Credits)  

This course provides a detailed discussion of the complex United States healthcare system, its varied components, its diverse forms and systems for reimbursement, and the changes occurring as a result of new technological and delivery system alternatives, as well as innovative reimbursement models on the effects of service delivery. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services area of study guidelines for Knowledge of Service Delivery.

HLHS 3200  Person Centered Planning and Tools  (4 Credits)  

Person-Centered Planning is a strength-based approach that focuses on the person's individualized needs, goals, and values. Person-centered planning centers all discussions, decision-making, and development of plans/goals based on the person's desires and goals and provides the human service professional tools to gather pertinent information to guide the person to achieve a higher level of self-sufficiency and success. This study will explore person-centered planning in the health and human services setting with a focus on self-reflective practice and recognition of the challenges and opportunities present in implementing person-centered approaches. Students will develop the necessary skills to assist diverse populations. Person-centered planning focuses on any of the following: assessment, goal setting, problem solving, identifying strengths and weaknesses, identifying natural supports, and achieving self-sufficiency.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 3500  Issues in Correctional Healthcare  (4 Credits)  

Issues in Correctional Health Care aims to educate students from a variety of disciplines to respond to current health issues within jails and correctional systems. Students will learn about the complexities of health for people in prison and will gain understanding and skills in order to apply inter-disciplinary approaches to prison health. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services guidelines for Skills & Application.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 3996  Special Topics in HLHS  (4 Credits)  

The content of this course will vary by term and section. Students may repeat this course for credit as long as the topic differs. Please refer to the Term Guide for course topic offerings.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 3997  Special Topics in HLHS  (4 Credits)  

The content of this course will vary by term and section. Students may repeat this course for credit as long as the topic differs. Please refer to the Term Guide for course topic offerings.

HLHS 3998  Individualized Studies in Healthcare Services (HLHS)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor in Healthcare Services (HLHS). Registration for this class must be approved by the student’s mentor.

HLHS 4010  Exploring Happiness  (4 Credits)  

This course will research and examine different theories of happiness from diverse perspectives. Topics may include: how happiness is impacted by various internal and external factors, and strategies for assessment and intervention in human service settings. This course aligns with the Community and Human Services area of study guidelines for Knowledge of Human Behavior and Skills & Application.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 4018  Motivational Interviewing  (4 Credits)  

Motivational Interviewing is a counseling/therapeutic technique developed to assist people struggling to make behavioral changes. It is a person-centered and empowering intervention, typically organized around Prochaska and DiClemente’s Stages of Change Model which will be a focus of this course. Students will learn how these techniques look in practice and how they would be used by licensed professionals in helping diverse populations across diverse settings. This course addresses the human service guidelines knowledge of human behavior and skills.

Attributes: Liberal

HLHS 4127  Women and the Business of Healthcare  (4 Credits)  

This course will examine the diverse experiences and roles of women as recipients and providers of health care, using interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspectives (anthropology, health economics, health management and policy, public health, sociology), and emphasizing the US context, while considering multicultural and global issues. This course is aligned with the Community and Human Services Area of Study Guidelines for Diversity and Knowledge of Service Delivery.

HLHS 4998  Individualized Studies in Healthcare Services (HLHS)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor in Healthcare Services (HLHS). Registration for this class must be approved by the student’s mentor.