TESOL, Advanced Certificates

Students may begin this 15-credit program in the fall or summer terms. The required courses of these programs and the suggested enrollment sequences are as follows for Fall and Summer:


Fall Term
EDUC 6080Second Language Acquisition3
EDUC 6082Research-Based Methods for Teaching English Language Learners3
Spring Term
EDUC 6081Linguistics and Grammar for English Teaching3
EDUC 6083Teaching English Language Learners in the Content Areas3
Summer Term
EDUC 6084P-12 English as a Second Language Practicum3
Total Credits15


Summer Term
EDUC 6081Linguistics and Grammar for English Teaching3
Fall Term
EDUC 6080Second Language Acquisition3
EDUC 6082Research-Based Methods for Teaching English Language Learners3
Spring Term
EDUC 6083Teaching English Language Learners in the Content Areas3
EDUC 6084P-12 English as a Second Language Practicum3
Total Credits15

Upon successful completion of these programs, students should be able to:

  • Develop instructional and assessment strategies for supporting ELLs in their learning across the content areas.
  • Construct meaningful learning opportunities that combine academic language development with lessons that affirm cultural and linguistic diversity.
  • Evaluate divergent theories of second language acquisition while connecting them with practices.
  • Evaluate how language, as a system of sounds with the purpose of making meaning, connects with disciplines of psychology, sociology, and anthropology.
  • Apply the theories, principles, and practices of teaching English to speakers of other languages in the P-12 classroom.