Nursing Administration, Master of Science

Program Requirements

The M.S. in Nursing Administration program requires a total of 33 credits, including six core courses, four courses within the nursing administration specialty, and one graduate-level elective course. All courses are 3 credits each. 

NURS 6005Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice3
NURS 6010Professional Role Development & Ethics3
NURS 6015Nursing Research & Evidence Based Practice3
NURS 6020Contemporary Issues in Health Care3
NURS 6025Informatics & Healthcare Technology3
NURS 6030Population Health, Human Diversity, & Social Issues3
Nursing Administration Specialty Courses
NURS 6065Healthcare Finance and Budgeting3
NURS 6070Organizational Theory & Human Resource Management3
NURS 6075Innovative Leadership in Healthcare Organizations3
NURS 7010Nursing Administration Capstone3
Graduate-level Elective Requirement 3
Total Credits33

By the end of the program, graduates will be able to:

  • Integrate advanced principles and theories from nursing and related sciences to effect changes in health care practices and policies;
  • Assume a leadership role on interprofessional teams and facilitate collaboration by using advanced communication skills;
  • Critique strategies for ethical decision making in nursing research, education, and clinical practice management;
  • Engage in lifelong learning activities that further professional role development (as a nurse educator or a nurse administrator);
  • Synthesize evidence to inform decision making and evaluate outcomes in a variety of practice settings;
  • Design person-centered and culturally responsive approaches to promote optimal health outcomes;
  • Use informatics and health care technologies to enhance practice.