MGMT: Management (Graduate)

MGMT 6000  Applied Business Statistics  (3 Credits)  

This course focuses on the use and application of various statistical techniques and models that will assist students in making business decisions. It will help students to learn how to summarize, analyze and critically evaluate and interpret real-world data. The course covers descriptive and inferential statistics including measures of central tendency, variability, and shape, probability, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and time series analysis. Business applications are used to illustrate these concepts. This course was previously MGT-654500.

MGMT 6001  Dynamics of Corporate Board Engagement  (3 Credits)  

The success of a corporate board depends on the skills of its members. The governing board of an organization holds an extraordinary responsibility for establishing the organization’s strategic direction around stakeholder needs and organizing a management structure designed to execute the strategy that capitalizes on the endeavors of the organization. This course will evaluate the skills needed to secure a successfully functioning corporate board and pathways in which individuals can develop key leadership competencies. Some of the competencies include being able to guide the mission, purpose, vision, and core values of the organization; develop a management structure and select a well-functioning executive staff; drive the strategic goals of the organization; monitor and evaluate all facets of organizational performance; maintain fiduciary responsibility; and ensure compliance with legal, ethical, and regulatory standards.

MGMT 6002  Dynamics of Nonprofit Board Engagement  (3 Credits)  

The success of a nonprofit board depends on the skills of its members. “The principal roles of the board of directors are to represent the public (or membership) interests in the organization and to represent the organization as its legal voice” (Bryce, 2017 paragraph 1). This will result in duties that include but not limited to obtaining and supporting operations that are consistent with nonprofit organizations, aiding in fund raising for the board, and acting in the best interest of the board and its role in society. Students in this course will study how a nonprofit board operates, the required financial management skills, the ethical values of a nonprofit and its board members, and how nonprofit organizations affect their stakeholders.

MGMT 6003  Pathway for Corporate Board Leadership- Personal Branding  (3 Credits)  

Serving on a corporate board requires recognition of the key competencies of potential board members. Often selection to serve on a corporate board is based on previously established relationships. This might be one of the reasons that corporate boards have shown a lack of diversity in the past. While there has been a positive trend toward diversifying the corporate board, individuals can take steps to become the next board member. This course will outline the key steps in raising your profile and creating a pathway for corporate board leadership. The course will address why personal-branding is important and how to create your own personal brand. This includes overcoming challenges in communicating your brand and building trust and support through networking. It is also important to learn from successful examples. Panel discussions will illustrate how individuals reached their goals and overcame obstacles. These panel discussions will be part of a residency experience or executive retreat, where participants can interact with women and other underrepresented leaders, who overcame the glass ceiling to serve on corporate boards. This MBA-Business Management elective is also offered as a standalone microcredential.

MGMT 6009  Creating a Diverse Corporate Board  (3 Credits)  

A diverse corporate board requires the organizational culture and processes that encourage corporate board diversity. Often this requires a change in existing board norms. In order to implement a planned change, several steps need to be taken. The first is an assessment of the current composition of the board and the process by which board members are chosen. This assessment includes the current culture of the organization and how it supports diversity within its leadership. In order to close the gap between what is the current nature of the board and the optimum board, the leadership must first identify its ideal board composition. Then a gap assessment is conducted to assess the difference between the current board make-up and what is ideal. Participants in this course will learn how to conduct a gap assessment and create a plan for change. Key topics covered in this course include organizational culture, organizational change, gap analysis, and creating diversity on corporate boards.

MGMT 6010  Financial Accounting  (3 Credits)  

The purpose of this course is to provide to students the training necessary to develop the skills needed to use available standardized guidelines, to gather, and summarize financial transaction information necessary in a sound business and economic decision making process. Upon completing this course, students should be able not only to use these standardized guidelines to record and summarize financial transactions, but also to present and prepare financial reports needed by an organization’s stakeholders to assess its performance.

MGMT 6015  Principles of Economics  (3 Credits)  

This core course introduces basic economic principles that help us understand the process of decision making by individuals and societies. We analyze the fundamental economic activities of production, distribution, exchange, and consumption at the micro and macro levels. Students will better understand the functioning of a free market system and the role of the government.

MGMT 6016  Financial Management  (3 Credits)  

The course addresses three main areas. First, it focuses on how firms assess their performance over time and against an industry benchmark. In addition, it reviews ways of how companies are organized and deal within the financial markets. It also looks at the time value of money and examines the ways of identifying, assessing risk & return, and valuing the bonds and securities. Second, it studies firm's cost of capital, basis of capital budgeting, effects of cash flows and associated risks. Furthermore, it discusses the capital structure formation, concepts and theories. The third area of the the course addresses the diagnostics of working capital, financial planning and forecasting techniques, and finally the financial management of multinational corporations. Prerequisites: MGMT 6010 if not waived.

Cross-listed with FSMA 6016.

MGMT 6020  Leadership & Executive Development  (3 Credits)  

Success in leading people and managing performance, demands an understanding of how teams and work units operate and what motivates employees, as well as a candid assessment of your own personality traits and leadership style. Topics covered focus on alignment of leadership skills and roles with organizational goals and interests, organizational paradoxes, rationalistic and humanistic structures, gender diversity in corporate leadership, cultural change, communication, personality, engagement, power and influence, conflict management, and ethics. Within these broad categories, we will examine specific theories and models that have been used to describe and explain leadership and organizational dynamics as well as examples of successful leadership practices. Assessment tools for leadership development are also included in this course.

MGMT 6022  Grant Writing for Public and Nonprofit Organizations  (3 Credits)  

This course will consider the elements of grant writing beginning with funding sources; the process of grant writing from application to budget building to grant management; the particular requirements for nonprofit organizations and agencies; databases and other sources of information available to support grant writing. The student will consider benefits and tradeoffs as well as important trends in both providing and requesting funding.

MGMT 6025  Strategic Perspectives of Global Management  (3 Credits)  

Strategic Perspectives of Global Management is one of the two introductory courses in the MBA program and focuses on expanding one's perspectives -- strategic, geographic, cultural and ethical. The goal is to enhance our appreciation of the richness of the multinational environments in which many businesses find themselves today. While global environments offer additional dimensions along which executives can add value, it also imposes additional constraints. For example, a supply chain manager faces vastly greater opportunities for value-adding locational investments in global environments, but must navigate complex and varied political and legal issues varying from one locale to another, best treated as constraints on their optimizing efforts. Further, many ethical executives who depend on statutory authorities to level the playing field while requiring ethical behavior of all players at home, find that they must make potentially costly ethical decisions about how and when they will treat their employees, their suppliers, and foreign environments better than those environments demand of them either de jure, de facto or both. Thus, global management often requires an additional layer of ethical reasoning that goes beyond domestic executive decision making. The goal of SPGM is thus to broaden the perspectives of first year MBA students by providing practice with a variety of strategic, geographic and ethical tools in varied case applications involving global business practice.

MGMT 6030  Management Information Systems & Data Visualization  (3 Credits)  

Management Information Systems explores the technologies and organizational factors that make information systems a vital part of contemporary business. By designing and building software applications, students will become familiar with the unique problems and opportunities that information systems present. The analysis of business cases will enable students to effectively manage both the hard and soft aspects of information systems in the workplace. An important focus of this course is to learn to communicate technical concepts and business decisions clearly and concisely. Therefore, emphasis is placed on written work that clearly states the business case, problem statement, and explains information system technology. Topics included in this course are an introduction to information system analysis and design through the system development life cycle, database technology, design of web-based business presence, integrating information systems into a business process, and the organizational implications of information systems. This course was previously MIS-652521.

MGMT 6035  Global E-Commerce Strategies  (3 Credits)  

This course provides the conceptual foundation for e-commerce and e-business at the global context. The course focuses on analyzing e-commerce, digital markets, and e-business firms using principles and theory from the fields of economics, marketing, finance, philosophy, and information systems; multiple opportunities for application are provided. In addition to concepts from economics and marketing, the course examines transaction costs, network externalities, perfect digital markets, segmentation strategies, price dispersion, targeting, and positioning. The course also addresses the literature on ethics and society, focusing on concepts such as intellectual property, privacy, information rights and rights management, governance, public health, and welfare.

MGMT 6040  High Performance Management  (3 Credits)  

This course focuses on the managerial leadership roles and competencies needed to translate strategic visions into tactical and operational plans. It also examines tools and methodologies to improve organizational efficiency and productivity through integration, communication, and the management of knowledge-based organizations. Students identify, develop, and apply competencies associated with the dynamics of change and flexibility and then balance them with the competencies required to lead with stability and control. This course was previously ORG-652591.

MGMT 6045  Global Leadership Competencies  (3 Credits)  

This course provides an intellectual and experiential forum for developing the interpersonal and intercultural communication and interaction skills necessary for successful development or implementation of international assignments. While learning to identify cultural aspects of verbal and nonverbal behavior of persons from different cultures and themselves, students will come to recognize cultural differences that can cause difficulties in management situations. Other important topics include analyzing the working of multi-cultural teams, dimensions of cross-cultural negotiations and competencies of cosmopolitan leaders. This course was previously MGT-651634.

MGMT 6050  Operations and Supply Chain Management  (3 Credits)  

This course provides an overview of the most important operations and supply chain issues that manufacturers and service providers should consider when producing goods or delivering services. It also provides the concepts, tools, and methods that managers use to deal with operations and supply chain management problems in the business environment. Through this course, students will develop the ability to apply quantitative and qualitative analytical management tools and techniques in business decision-making. Topics include operations strategy, process strategy and analysis, quality and performance management, lean systems, capacity and constraint management, inventory management, and supply chain management with a particular focus on supply chain design, integration, and sustainability. Prerequisites: MGMT-6000 if not waived This course was previously MGT-654556.

MGMT 6055  Global Supply Chain Management  (3 Credits)  

Effective management of operations and supply chain is of great importance for organizations to survive and remain competitive in a global environment. This course focuses on understanding the principles related to managing operations and supply chains with an emphasis on key tradeoffs and risks. The course will introduce the basic concepts of logistics and supply chain management and the various logistic and supply chain strategies that companies employ in order to compete within an increasingly complex and dynamic global environment. It will also discuss the tools and strategies used to design and manage operations and supply chains across an organization in the global context. A range of international case studies will be used to illustrate key concepts, reinforce the material’s application in practice and extend learning. This course was previously MGT-651656.

MGMT 6060  Managerial Economics  (3 Credits)  

The purpose of this core course is to engage students in a problem-solving analytical approach to understand how concepts and fundamental economic theory can be applied to decision making within a firm. The main goal of this course is to make students, in today’s contemporary environment, aware that an understanding of the economic forces at a national and global level, through a dynamic interplay of firms, consumers, and investors wherein market forces play a central role in the production, valuation, and allocation of scarce resources, including goods, services, and financial capital, that are vital towards strategic managerial decision-making. This course was previously ECO-652551 Prerequisites: MGMT6015 if not waived.

MGMT 6065  Economics for Global Managers  (3 Credits)  

The purpose of this course is to engage students with the challenges of international economics in the modern age of technology and globalization. The course seeks to provide procedures and tools to evaluate impact of these forces on markets, prices and the operations for global managers. Topics include comparative advantage, terms of trade, macroeconomic indicators, theories of trade, gains from trade, tariffs and trade regulation, industrial policies, policies for economic development, regional integration, multinational corporations, capital and labor mobility, balance of payments, exchange rate systems, and current events. Prerequisites: MGMT 6015 if not waived.

MGMT 6070  Strategic Marketing Management  (3 Credits)  

Strategic Marketing Management examines marketing from a variety of perspectives: students learn advanced marketing principles, apply them to a variety of situations, and expand their awareness of the complexities of a marketing perspective. The course includes some consideration of ethical issues; introduces organizational issues that influence the effectiveness of a firm's marketing strategy; the relationship between the marketing strategy and the organization's strategic plan, and global implications of the dimensions of decision making for marketing managers.

MGMT 6075  International Financial Management  (3 Credits)  

The purpose of this course is to engage students with the challenges of global financial management. The course develops analytical skills to evaluate foreign exchange rates and risk management involving transaction, operating, and translation exposures, and evaluation of multi-national capital budgeting and investments, including using case studies in international financial management. Prerequisites: MGMT 6010 if not waived.

MGMT 6080  Consumer Behavior: A Global Marketing Perspective  (3 Credits)  

This course will focus on the advance study of the buying behavior of customers in the consumer market. Drawing on previous studies of the role of consumer behavior on marketing strategies, the student will identify the effect on strategy and policy based on the buying process of various market segments. Further in-depth analysis of both internal and external influences on the buying process will be applied to changes in strategy and outcomes in the global market environment. Emphasis will be placed on cultural variations in consumer behavior, changing demographics, the impact of reference groups, and prior customer attitudes and learning on the buying process. Research and Position Papers will be used to apply these concepts to strategy development and subsequent marketing programs. Ethical and legal implications on strategy and the marketing mix will be emphasized. This course was previously MGT-651557.

MGMT 6095  E-Commerce Marketing Strategies  (3 Credits)  

This course covers emerging online technologies and trends and their influence on the electronic commerce marketplace. The course emphasizes the three major driving forces behind e-commerce: business development and strategy, technological innovations, and social controversies and impacts. Students will learn an in-depth introduction to the field of e-commerce and various revenue models including cloud computing models and delivery methods, and how to market on the Web. Next, the course covers up-to-date coverage of the key topics in e-commerce today, from privacy and piracy, to government surveillance, cyberwar, social and ethical issues, local and mobile marketing, Internet sales taxes, intellectual property. Finally, students learn how to plan for electronic commerce and apply analytical skills using Microsoft Power BI.

MGMT 6100  Innovation & Global Commercialization  (3 Credits)  

This course focuses on opportunities to utilize technology transfer within a global business to meet the goals of the strategic plan. This course is an introduction to the multidisciplinary aspects (including legal issues such as intellectual property ownership and rights of discovery), involved in the process of bringing technical developments, particularly research emanating from partner organizations, into commercial use. The course considers the challenges and regulations required for transitioning new developments into capital ventures created by the sale or lease of commercially viable processes and products. Finally the course looks at the complexity of new product development and commercialization, and the role of marketing programs on the successful commercialization of new products. This course was previously MGT-651653.

MGMT 6105  Leadership in Public & Nonprofit Organizations  (3 Credits)  

In this course, students will explore leadership in public and nonprofit organizations. The course begins with a consideration of the nature of leadership, the tasks of leaders, and the traits of effective leadership. Next, students examine leadership theories, their particular application to the public and non-profit sectors and the challenges facing these sectors. Finally, students will complete an independent research project dealing with leadership in public and nonprofit organizations. This course was previously MGT-651620.

MGMT 6110  Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship  (3 Credits)  

This study will survey the legal field and the parameters the entrepreneur must be mindful of in order to effectively initiate and develop a new venture, including business ethics and social responsibility as reflected through rules and regulations; statutory versus common law and its impact on the entrepreneur; dispute resolution; torts, crime and international law and its effects on the entrepreneurial scene and of course constitutional law and how it permeates essentially every aspect of American commerce and enterprise. The increasingly emerging areas of Cyberlaw and Environmental Law will also be studied. This course was previously MGT-651627.

MGMT 6115  Tools & Processes in Project Management  (3 Credits)  

This MBA course introduces modern tools and techniques for planning, scheduling, reporting, controlling, and managing business related projects. The students will study and analyze the project life cycle and the core project management processes (scope, time and cost). The students will gain knowledge of the concept of Work-Breakdown Structure (WBS) and different approaches to project screening and selection, and will utilize those techniques in the project planning process. The students will learn financial analysis to evaluate and select a project using Excel, plan a project, estimate duration and setup project schedule, allocate resources using MS Project, and communicate project information using electronic and e-collaborative tools. Course Materials: Graduate Studies is pleased to be able to provide licenses of the required software (MS Project) for this course. Please note, this software is designed to run on Microsoft operating systems.

MGMT 6120  Managerial Perspectives of Project Management  (3 Credits)  

A true understanding of project management comes not only from knowing all project management knowledge areas and all process groups, nor how to partner with contractors, stakeholders or users, but from understanding how different elements of project management systems interact to determine the fortune of the project. Project management success is established upon mastering the technical, socio-cultural and leadership dimensions of project management. The course learning activities are about the impact of project management on: organizational strategy and decision-making practice; advancement in corporate operations and global competition; and improvement of products and services. The course critically addresses these project success issues and intertwines all ten project management knowledge areas: project integration; scope; time; cost; quality; human resource; communications; risk; procurement; and stakeholders’ management; and all five process groups: initiating; planning; executing; controlling; and closing. The course exposes and addresses the major aspects and issues of the managerial project management process and provides a theoretical foundation and practical solutions to these increasing challenges. Course Materials Fee: Graduate Studies is pleased to be able to provide licenses of the required software (MS Project) for this course. Please note, this software is designed to run on Microsoft operating systems.

MGMT 6122  Corporate Communication and Marketing Strategy  (3 Credits)  

This course explores corporate communication and marketing as closely related strategic areas of great concern to management and as an academic field of study.It also shows the increasingly close relationship between the reputation management function ofCorporate Communication and the Marketing of brand and customer experience, as both are heavily dependent on a rapidly changing media environment that is approached differently. This environment is also illuminated to provide students with basic news literacy. What was once a theoretical model is now the dashboard for increasingly automated (or “programmatic”) corporate responses to the organizational stakeholders. This process is anticipated to have a tremendous impact across the Human Resource functions with attention to ethical issues and brand impact.

MGMT 6125  Managing Human Capital  (3 Credits)  

Beginning with an overview of HR roles in addressing the strategic needs of an organization, students explore topics that include workforce planning and talent management, thinking strategically about staffing and selection issues, developing internal talent through training, development and education, applying human resource information systems, succession planning, employment testing, successful employment interviewing, and organizational entry and socialization (on-boarding) processes.

MGMT 6127  Entrepreneurial Finance  (3 Credits)  

The purpose of this course is to impart key financial management skills for entrepreneurship and innovation management through a systematic study of key analytical tools necessary for entrepreneurs to start and manage a successful venture. The course discusses development of a business plan, financial requirements of small businesses projects, through angel investors and venture capital and debt, investment and risk evaluation of project ventures, valuation of project ventures, and raising capital through IPOs and exit strategies for strategic financial management of a business venture. Students in this course should have completed an undergraduate course in Financial Accounting.

MGMT 6135  Performance Management & Total Rewards  (3 Credits)  

Performance management and total rewards systems provides a value proposition to both the organization and its employees by offering a package that should result in satisfied and productive employees that deliver organizational goals and objectives. This course examines how managing individual and organizational performance coupled with a total rewards system can play a strategic role in organizational effectiveness. The study includes an examination of performance management systems, compensation structure and systems design, benefit programs, and an examination of compensation and benefits legislation. The course will also include examination of the contrast between employee and labor relations, employment law and challenges associated with managing a diverse workforce. Managing change to ensure individual and organizational performance to maximize business results through effective change management will also be explored.

MGMT 6155  Strategies for Marketing Research  (3 Credits)  

This three-credit elective in marketing research will examine the research process as it relates to the specific problems faced in the marketing arena. The study will enable the student to understand and apply the basic concepts of marketing research as a component of business strategic decision-making. The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the methodology of market research. By the end of this course, the student will be able to analyze data from a marketing research case study and make relevant brand decisions based on this data. Topics include the research process, methods of gathering primary and secondary data from both internal and external sources, designing and testing survey instruments, sample method design, interviewing techniques, and presentations of results, from tabulating and analyzing data.

MGMT 6160  Strategic Planning for Public & Nonprofit Organizations  (3 Credits)  

Strategic planning and management are increasingly essential in a world of rapid change and complexity, relentless competition for funding, and increasing demands for accountability. In Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, students explore the process by which organizations gain competitive advantage and optimal long-term performance in such an environment. This process is rooted in the organization's mission and values, is dynamic and changes with changing circumstances, integrates plans and actions, and leverages strengths and resources to take advantage of the organization's opportunities. This course was previously MGT-651617.

MGMT 6165  System Design & Information Management  (3 Credits)  

This course covers the foundations, concepts, tools, and techniques involved in system analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance of enterprise computer applications. Topics include systems’ life cycle concepts; tools and techniques to manage information systems projects; introduction to the management of system investigation and analysis; determining system requirements using process, logic, and data modeling; conceptual and detailed design of system key components; criteria for optimum hardware selection; systems implementation and maintenance. Further, the course addresses information management, data warehouse and data mart utilization, information security and data quality concepts, and how to leverage data and modern business intelligence to deliver RIO for a business. This course was previously MGT-651661.

MGMT 6175  Women in Management  (3 Credits)  

This course is aimed at examining how perspectives and perceptions of male and female managers affect the workplace. This course will examine gender inequality and stereotypical biases in organizations, career options and upward mobility, work-life integration issues, inclusion and social networks, mentoring, sponsorship of women and participation in TMTs. In addition, the role of women in multinational corporations and startups will be explored. This course was previously MGT-651605.

MGMT 6185  Quantitative Methods for Decision Making  (3 Credits)  

This course will help students to get acquainted with various quantitative analysis tools and techniques that are used for enhanced business decision-making. Throughout this course, students will learn how to model real-life decision-making problems and methods of their solving. Topics include decision analysis, project management, forecasting, inventory control models, statistical quality control, linear and integer programming methods and applications, waiting lines and queueing theory, simulation modeling, and Markov analysis. A sound knowledge of basic statistics and algebra as well as Excel skills are essential for the course. This course was previously MGT-652561.

MGMT 6215  Failure & Crisis  (3 Credits)  

This course will examine evidence describing how and why even good and earnest decision makers fail to do well in the face of complex problems. The course is rooted in theory and evidence drawn from recent extensive simulations, and examines a wide range of problems and cases involving both public and private sector judgments, ordinary managers, chief executives, and political leaders and their staff. This course was previously MGT-651631.

MGMT 6996  Special Topics in MGMT  (3 Credits)  

The content of this course will vary by term and section. Students may repeat this course for credit as long as the topic differs. Please refer to the Term Guide for course topic offerings.

MGMT 6998  Individualized Studies in Management (MGMT)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor/advisor in Management (MGMT). Please contact your mentor/advisor for more details.

MGMT 7005  Global Marketing Strategies  (3 Credits)  

This course explores the different economic, social changes that have occurred over the past decade and their impact on marketing. As global economic growth occurs, understanding marketing in all cultures is increasingly important. The course examines global issues and describes concepts relevant to all international marketers, despite the extent of international involvement. The course will analyze marketing strategies including pricing, legal and ethical issues, regulations, integrated marketing communications, multicultural research, and global brand management. This course is required for the Global Brand Marketing advanced certificate program.

MGMT 7030  Marketing Analytics & Brand Management  (3 Credits)  

This course was designed to provide an overview of the tools used to make strategic marketing decisions about the firm's brand and its customers. Graduate students with a background in basic research methods will find this course helpful for identifying ways to analyze data in order to make strategic marketing and resource allocation decisions. The course does not substitute for a basic course in marketing but focuses more on quantitative data analysis and its impact on the competitiveness of the firm. Students apply advanced statistics such as cluster analysis and conjoint analysis using big data for marketing decisions and brand management. Case study method and discussions will be used to evaluate competencies in these areas. This course is the capstone course in the Marketing Analytics and Brand Management Certificate. Students in this course should have completed a statistics course such as MGMT 6000 or equivalent. It is advisable that students take MGMT 6155 prior to taking this course.

MGMT 7035  Strategic Application of Innovation & Planning  (3 Credits)  

This course covers the critical skills for strategic leadership, strategy development, including environmental scanning, competitive assessment, entrepreneurial vision and communication, and management of human capital. The study enables students to understand and apply the basic concepts of a learning organization as a component of business strategic decision-making process. By the end of this course, the student will be fluent with the ideas and language of applying innovation and strategic planning for sustainability, and essential management skills such as leading innovation teams and building communication strategies from a stakeholder perspective to facilitate the process of innovation management and strategic planning.

MGMT 7045  Strategic Human Resource Management  (3 Credits)  

The role of HR and human capital in organizations today is one of strategic value and change agent in which HR members participate in developing the strategic direction for the organization. Emphasis in this course is placed on the way in which the global economy, technology, and business activities such as joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions impact the allocation and deployment of human resources including recruitment and selection, employee training and development, performance management, and career development. Other topics include developing HR strategy, measuring HR outcomes, applying Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), exploring the role of HR in downsizing and mergers and acquisitions, examining the role of HR in the global environment, and examining HR challenges relating to applications of information technology. This is the capstone course for the HRM advanced certificate.

MGMT 7050  Strategic Information Technology Management  (3 Credits)  

This course provides knowledge and competency-based framework related to Information Technology (IT) strategic planning, implementation and management. The curriculum is designed for general and technology managers as well as business leaders involved in strategic planning, designing, and implementing IT projects. The focus of the course is on the role of Information Systems and, particularly, integrating Information Technology components in the modern organization, and how IT leaders design and implement IT-dependent strategic initiatives. The course learning activities focus on the impact of IT on operating business models and how IT strategy should be aligned with the business strategy and decision-making practices; the impact of IT architecture to the organizational Socio-Technical System, and the importance of designing and building reliable and secure operational enterprise systems; the significance of IT leadership and the importance of fostering key IT capability and linking IT to business metrics. Prerequisites: MGMT 6165 and MGMT 6030, may be waived with permission.

MGMT 7055  Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations  (3 Credits)  

Students will examine marketing issues in the larger context of the strategic planning process and apply marketing principles to a variety of situations relevant to nonprofit and government agencies. Students will consider ethical issues of strategic value and social responsibilities of marketing professionals.

MGMT 7070  Strategy & Tactics in Project Management  (3 Credits)  

This Project Management certificate capstone course builds on the pre-requisite project management certificate courses. This course integrates the concepts and processes discussed in earlier courses by relating them to evaluating and implementing multiple projects within the framework of portfolio management, project management offices (PMOs), virtual project management, and project monitoring and assessment (Lean and Six Sigma). Students will also learn more about the human side of project management, including team building, managing virtual teams and developing and implementing effective project communications. They will do this by completing a variety of individual assignments, class discussions and a final capstone project. Special Course Materials: Graduate Studies is pleased to be able to provide required software (Microsoft Project) for this course. Please note that this software is designed to run on Microsoft operating systems. Prerequisite: MGMT-6120 Managerial Perspectives of Project Management or instructor permission.

MGMT 7075  Women & Leadership: Strategies for Success  (3 Credits)  

This capstone course identifies leadership and communication strategies to enable women to communicate with higher levels of confidence and self-belief. Networking and self-promotion strategies to help overcome corporate barriers that limit or inhibit women’s access to upper level positions are examined thoroughly. The course also includes topics about ethical leadership, moral courage, and organizational integrity as important factors characterizing women’s leadership. A competency framework will be used to highlight the relationships between hierarchical levels and executive roles and responsibilities, and examples of successful women executives will be used to illustrate the efficacy of the different strategies.

MGMT 7080  Strategic Business Applications  (3 Credits)  

This capstone course is the culminating experience for students in the MBA in Business Management program. It is designed to integrate students’ competencies in leadership, strategic management, ethical decision making and managerial communications, and apply the functional and professional skills they have gained throughout the program to formulate and implement successful strategic plans in the competitive global environment. This course will cover: integration of leadership competencies and functional knowledge; application of strategic management tools and analytical frameworks used to scan the global business environment; assessment of the value of an organization’s resources and capabilities as compared to the domestic and international competition; identification of alternatives that could resolve the strategic problems facing an organization; and selection of well justified alternative that will best leverage the firm’s core competencies to ensure sustainable competitive advantage. Any exceptions require permission of the instructor and the BML chair.

MGMT 7998  Individualized Studies in Management (MGMT)  (1-8 Credits)  

Students have the opportunity to develop individualized studies with their mentor/advisor in Management (MGMT). Please contact your mentor/advisor for more details.